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Dear Concerned Friend,

I am sorry to hear about your friend's situation.  However, I would say that he is lucky to have a friend like you.  He needs to get legal help before the court proceedings begin.  Below are some of the options:

1. Contact Court Clerk -  You can call the court clerk and explain the situation to them.  They might be able to point you to some resources.

2. Legal Aid -  Contact legal aid to see if they can help him get a lawyer.  Most states have legal aid that can even make out-of-town lawyers available. 

3. Free Lawyer - Just because the free lawyer in your city or county is representing your friend's ex doesn't mean that he cannot get one from another city or county.  Contact their office to see if they can recommend one.

4. Help from a Charity -  There are several charities including the United Way that can obtain a free lawyer from your friend.

5. Crowdfunding - If your friend must pay, a crowdfunding campaign can be launched to pay for his legal costs.

6. Notify Judge - On the court date, your friend can request the judge that he is not ready since he cannot afford a lawyer.  Since he can forget things give your friend a note. However, this is not recommended.  The judge may give a decision in favor of his ex.

8. No Contest Divorce - There is an option for your friend not to contest the divorce at all or even show up for the court date.  But in that case, his ex will get everything she wants.

I think with a little effort you can help him find a lawyer for free.

Good Luck!


Warning:  This post is neither financial, health, legal, or personal advice nor a substitute for the advice offered by a professional. These are serious matters, and the help of a professional is recommended as it can impact your future.

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