Job Search for Co-parents: How to search for a job using social media?

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Now as a single parent, you are looking for a job and wondering how to go about it. After all, you no longer have that significant other to share your expenses. The good news is that you can leverage the same networking site to grow your career and increase your market value. Creating your online brand is one of the top things to do in today's job market. Following are some of the recommendations: 


Add The Right Connections 

Most of the time we add connections either because we know them from somewhere or someone has randomly approached us to be added. In order to benefit you should be selective about who you add. Especially on professional networks such as LinkedIn. I am sure just like my mother your mother has also taught you that you are known by your friends. This is where it matters. Your profile is at a public display. If your connections have people who do not have a very good reputation or are there just because they look good or they requested to be added and you agreed, it can harm your image. Being associated with the right people is a must. 


Enhance Your Visibility 

Add as much as professional detail you can to increase your visibility. Add the employment history, schools attended, volunteer work, sports, hobbies, affiliations, and other activities. If you own a business write your business description, website link, and other relevant information. This way you can strike some commonalities with your prospective employers and business partners. Treat your profile as a resume or a cover letter. Do not disclose any personal information such as date of birth, social security, or credit card numbers.


Get Searched 

You can improve your search visibility by posting your resume or the link to your social networking profile on free job sites, bulletin boards, and blogs. Put keywords such as marketing manager, software developer, etc. on your profile. This way you will get detected by recruiters or business partners who are using search engines to find someone with your credentials. 


Get Recommended 

Most of the social networking sites have a comments or recommendation section. You should request your friends and co-workers to give you recommendations. Don’t worry about any negative comments because most of the sites allow you to approve the comments before they are published. 


Find People You Know or Get Introduced 

If you come across a job or a potential partner, you can find people through social networking sites to get introduced to the hiring manager or the business owner. It will not only get you an interview/meeting but also give you a starter conversation when you meet them. Since you were introduced to them they will be more willing to trust you and offer you a job or a deal. 


Research The Company 

You can also use your connections on a social networking site to research the potential employer or the partner. Most of the people on your network can give you some insights into the business conditions and company culture. This way you can decide if you still want to pursue the opportunity. 


Share Knowledge 

You can use forums and weblogs on social networking sites to share knowledge and learn from others. Don't be shy. Feel free to post any questions you may have and most of the people on your network will be more than happy to answer those for you. 


Do Not Post Anything You May Regret

Often times out of frustration we may post things on social media that we may regret later. This includes complaining about ex, former bosses and employers, or just some other religious or political content. Think twice before posting anything. It will stay online even after you delete it. It can hurt your chances to grow professionally. 

Warning:  This post is neither financial, health, legal, or personal advice nor a substitute for the advice offered by a professional. These are serious matters, and the help of a professional is recommended as it can impact your future.

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