List of Things That Can Impact Parenting Time
Staff Contributor
Having a conflict with your co-parent or partner? - Start Neutral Mediation
The most effective parenting plan is one crafted by the parents to meet the unique needs of both the child and the parents themselves. It is encouraged that parents make efforts to develop their own parenting plan, always prioritizing the best interests of the child. Once an agreement is reached, the parenting plan should be documented in writing, signed by both parties, and submitted to the court for approval to ensure its enforceability. In instances where an agreement cannot be reached, the subsequent provisions offer guidance to assist both parents and the court in formulating a parenting plan. It is important to note that these provisions outline the minimum recommended time for a noncustodial parent to maintain regular, meaningful, and ongoing contact with the child. The terms used, such as noncustodial parent and sole custody, are for clarification purposes and are not intended to elevate or diminish the status of either parent.
Factors Considered for Custody, Parenting Time, and Visitation Arrangements
A parenting plan should consider the following factors:
- Age, temperament, and maturity level
- Current routine
- Response to separations and transitions
- Developmental needs and characteristics
- Temperament and "fit" with the child
- Mental health and substance use history
- Sensitivity to early childhood needs
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Caregiving history and motivation
- Past history of abuse or neglect
Parent-Child Relationship:
- Warmth and availability
- Responsiveness to child's needs
- Past living and caregiving experiences
- Caregiving interest and motivation
Co-Parenting Relationship:
- Flexibility and adaptability to changing needs
- Conflict level and history
- Ability to compartmentalize conflict
- Communication effectiveness
- Facilitation of parent-child contact
- Cooperation regarding child's needs
Environmental Factors:
- Proximity of parental homes
- Parental work schedules
- Availability of extended family or friends
- Childcare availability and affordability
- Transport arrangements between households
This post is neither financial, health, legal, or personal advice nor a substitute for the advice offered by a professional. These are serious matters, and the help of a professional is recommended as it can impact your future.