65/35 Custody Schedule

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65/35 Custody Schedule Example

A 65/35 custody schedule, also known as a 5-2-2-5 schedule, is a child custody arrangement where one parent has the children for 65% of the time and the other parent has them for 35% of the time. This type of schedule can be beneficial for children who want more time with each parent and for parents who want to maximize their parenting time.Here is an example of a 65/35 custody schedule:

Parent A:

  • Monday - Friday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 AM (16 hours)
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (12 hours)
  • Sunday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (12 hours)

Parent B:

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (10 hours)
  • Saturday: 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM (12 hours)
  • Sunday: 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM (12 hours)

This schedule gives Parent A 5 overnight stays with the children each week and Parent B 2 overnight stays. Parent A also has the children for 2 full days on the weekend.


Benefits of a 65/35 Custody Schedule

  1. Increased Stability for Children: A 65/35 custody schedule can provide children with a more consistent and stable routine as they spend significant time in both parents' homes. Consistency in daily life, including school schedules, extracurricular activities, and bedtime routines, contributes to a sense of security and predictability for the child.
  2. More Time for Children to Bond with Each Parent: The extended time spent with each parent allows for deeper and more meaningful bonds to form. This extended period of contact facilitates the development of strong parent-child relationships, providing ample opportunities for shared activities, conversations, and memorable experiences.
  3. Improved Communication and Co-Parenting Between Parents: The structure of a 65/35 custody schedule often necessitates effective communication and cooperation between parents. Collaborative decision-making and joint planning become essential, fostering a healthier co-parenting relationship. This increased interaction can contribute to a more supportive environment for the child.
  4. Reduced Stress for Children and Parents: By clearly defining the custody schedule, children and parents can experience reduced stress related to uncertainty or frequent changes. Having a predictable routine and knowing when they will be with each parent provides a sense of security for children, while parents benefit from a more predictable schedule, contributing to overall family well-being.


A 65/35 custody schedule, when managed effectively, offers a range of benefits that prioritize the stability, emotional well-being, and healthy development of the children involved. By recognizing and maximizing these advantages, parents can create a positive and supportive co-parenting environment.


Challenges of a 65/35 Custody Schedule

  1. Logistics of Coordinating Schedules and Transportation: The logistics of coordinating a 65/35 custody schedule, including pick-ups, drop-offs, and managing school and extracurricular activities, can present challenges. Ensuring a smooth transition between households requires effective communication and coordination, especially when parents have busy or conflicting schedules
  2. Potential for Conflict Between Parents: A 65/35 custody schedule may increase the potential for conflicts between parents, particularly if communication or collaboration is strained. Disagreements over scheduling, parenting styles, or decision-making can arise, necessitating strong conflict resolution skills to maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship.
  3. Difficulty for Children to Adjust to Different Routines: Children may find it challenging to adjust to different routines in each household. Varying rules, expectations, and daily structures can create confusion and stress for the child. Consistency between households becomes crucial to help children navigate and adapt to distinct environments seamlessly.


Addressing these challenges requires a proactive and cooperative approach from both parents. Open communication, a shared commitment to the child's well-being, and a willingness to collaborate on logistics can help mitigate the difficulties associated with a 65/35 custody schedule. Additionally, seeking support from professionals, such as mediators or counselors, can contribute to successful navigation of these challenges and the creation of a positive co-parenting environment.


How to Create a 65/35 Co-parenting Schedule

Developing a successful 65/35 custody schedule involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure it works effectively for your family. Here are some tips and important factors to consider:


Tips for Developing a Schedule

  1. Open Communication: Foster open and honest communication with the other parent. Discuss expectations, preferences, and any concerns to create a schedule that is mutually agreeable.
  2. Flexibility: Incorporate flexibility into the schedule to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or changes in your child's needs. A flexible approach can contribute to a more sustainable and adaptable arrangement.
  3. Child-Centered Focus: Prioritize the best interests of the child when developing the schedule. Consider their age, preferences, and unique needs to create a plan that supports their well-being
  4. Consider Work Schedules: Take into account the work schedules of both parents. Ensure that the custody arrangement aligns with professional commitments to avoid conflicts and disruptions
  5. Geographic Distance: If there is a significant geographic distance between the parents' residences, factor this into the schedule. Determine how transportation will be handled and create a plan that minimizes logistical challenges.


Important Factors to Consider

  1. Age of the Child: The needs and routines of a child vary with age. Consider the age of your child when determining the length and structure of custody periods.
  2. School Schedule: Align the custody schedule with the child's school calendar. Coordinate pick-ups and drop-offs to minimize disruptions during the academic year.
  3. Work Schedules: Take into account the work commitments of both parents. Ensure that the custody schedule accommodates work hours and allows for a smooth transition between households
  4. Geographic Distance Between Parents: If parents live in different locations, factor in the travel time and transportation logistics. Establish a clear plan for exchanging the child between households
  5. Extracurricular Activities: Consider the child's extracurricular activities when creating the schedule. Strive to support their participation in hobbies, sports, or clubs, ensuring continuity in these aspects of their life.


Sample Schedules for Different Age Groups

  • Preschool Age (3-5 years):
    • Alternating weekends with one midweek overnight
    • Extended periods during school breaks
  • Elementary School Age (6-11 years):
    • Alternating weeks with one midweek visit
    • Shared holidays and special occasions
  • Middle School Age (12-14 years):
    • Extended weekends and alternating weeks
    • Flexibility for extracurricular activities and social events
  • High School Age (15-18 years):
    • Consider the child's preferences for more input into the schedule
    • Flexibility for school commitments and part-time employment

Customize these sample schedules based on your family's unique needs, and be prepared to reassess and adjust as your child grows and circumstances change. Regular communication and a cooperative mindset are key to the success of any custody arrangement.


A 65/35 Schedule for Infants and Newborn Babies

For infants and newborns, the every 3rd day custody schedule offers a gentle approach to co-parenting. It balances frequent doses of both parents' love with a mindful understanding of their unique needs. This "two-days-on, one-day-off" cycle ensures regular check-ins, providing a comforting sense of stability and security. While it requires more handovers, it avoids extended separations, minimizing potential anxiety. Plus, it's adaptable! Choose your starting day, customize exchange times, and tailor the schedule to your family's rhythm. This thoughtful approach bridges the gap between maintaining strong parent-child bonds and acknowledging the challenges of short attention spans and routine-loving little ones. Ultimately, the every 3rd day schedule aims to nurture thriving parent-child relationships right from the start.  On a side note, some lawyers and mediators may call it a 70/30 schedule.


A Side-by-Side Comparison of 65/35, 50/50, and 80/20 Custody Schedules

Choosing the right custody arrangement can be one of the most difficult decisions parents face after separation or divorce. There are many factors to consider, including the age of the children, the parents' work schedules, and the children's needs and preferences.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of three common custody schedules: 65/35, 50/50, and 80/20:

Factor 65/35 Custody Schedule 50/50 Custody Schedule 80/20 Custody Schedule
Parenting Time
  • One parent has the children 65% of the time, and the other parent has them 35% of the time.
  • Each parent has the children 50% of the time.
  • One parent has the children 80% of the time, and the other parent has them 20% of the time.
  • Provides one parent with more stability and consistency.
  • Allows children to spend more time with each parent.
  • Can reduce conflict between parents.
  • Provides equal parenting time for both parents.
  • Can be beneficial for older children who are able to handle frequent transitions.
  • Provides one parent with more control over the children's upbringing.
  • Can be beneficial for parents who live far apart.
  • Can be difficult to coordinate schedules and transportation.
  • Requires parents to be flexible and cooperative.
  • Can be challenging for younger children who may struggle with frequent transitions.
  • Requires a high level of communication and co-parenting between parents.
  • Can be difficult to coordinate if parents have different schedules or live far apart.
  • May limit the other parent's involvement in the children's lives.
  • Can be challenging for children who have a strong bond with the other parent.
Additional Resources



In recapitulating the intricacies of a 65/35 custody schedule, it's essential to acknowledge both its benefits and challenges. The increased stability for children, enhanced bonding opportunities with each parent, improved communication, and reduced stress stand out as significant advantages. However, the logistical challenges of coordinating schedules, the potential for conflict, and the adjustment difficulties for children must be navigated with thoughtful consideration.


As parents contemplate the adoption of a 65/35 custody schedule, it is crucial to assess whether it aligns with the unique needs and dynamics of their family. Encouraging open communication, flexibility, and a child-centered approach can contribute to the success of this arrangement. The decision to pursue a 65/35 custody schedule should be driven by a genuine belief that it is in the best interests of the children involved.


It's paramount for readers to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution in custody arrangements. Every family is distinct, and the optimal schedule is one that suits the specific circumstances, preferences, and well-being of the individuals involved. By embracing the uniqueness of their family dynamics and prioritizing the best interests of their children, parents can forge a path that fosters stability, growth, and positive co-parenting experiences. Ultimately, the journey of co-parenting is a personal one, and the pursuit of a custody schedule should reflect the values and aspirations of each family unit.


Fact Check and Resources

In crafting this post, we conducted thorough fact-checking and research, consulting the following sources:

  1. AAML New Jersey Chapter
  2. Planning for Parenting Time - Supreme Court of Ohio
  3. Oregon Judicial Department
  4. Office of the Attorney General Texas
  5. Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court

Warning:  This post is neither financial, health, legal, or personal advice nor a substitute for the advice offered by a professional. These are serious matters, and the help of a professional is recommended as it can impact your future.

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